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Traditions a Castelsardo souvenirs


There are many traditions in Sardinia that see the processing, in the most original ways, of the raw materials that the island, so rich, provides its inhabitants. In the case of Castelsardo, the castellans have managed to extract from coral and vegetable fibres real works of art.

Ancient traditions are handed down
Not just simple castelsardo souvenirs


In the old town centre skillful hands give life to the baskets
the art of weaving is exalted in every shape and colour
a thriving artistic craftsmanship that has elevated the basketry to a dominant museum theme
a goldsmith’s shop focused on coral processing

handicraft sardinia baskets woven in castelsardo

The ideal place for a holiday with tradition
The route between the shopping streets and those of the old town will give you wonderful views and you will have the opportunity to admire the craftsmen at work and to buy a souvenir to show off as furniture or as a jewel.

A gift from Castelsardo to take back home